Your assets are properly identified and labeled for processing. We take the utmost care to remove any identifying marks–guaranteeing your safety.
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About Us

With extensive knowledge of IT hardware we can provide creative asset recovery options.

We are committed to innovation and finding new ways to process more types of materials so we cannot only divert from landfills, but also place back into the system.

Your data is safe with us, with a our free mandatory data destruction service, you can rest assured that no identity theft would occur

Welcome To DFW Electronics Recycling!

Welcome to DFW Electronics Recycling servicing the DFW Metroplex and Surrounding areas (Including Oklahoma)  with multiple free dropoff locations for your recyclables.

Hours: Monday through Friday from the hours of 9am-5pm.

Call Us at 1-888-992-9772 to schedule a pickup, we have a dock high Box truck with lift gate and several vans that we have at our disposal. Scheduling is available within 24 hours

 We accept recycling drop offs as well as being equipped to pick up any size load per use of our box truck.  If you’re unsure if your items qualify for electronics recycling please do not hesitate to call or email us and we will be happy to help!

“We envision to progressively utilize resource maximizing, ‘outside the box’ thinking so that we may continue to meet and exceed customer expectations”

How We Work-

Free equipment pickups – We can pick your items up within 24hrs or same day if needed! *

*Large TVs excluded

Call us or fill out an order submission form to schedule a pickup

We will pickup any size load , no job is too large.

Connect with us


3238 Towerwood Drive Dallas, TX 75234


+1 (888) 992 - 9772

Email Address

Business Hours

MON to FRI: 9AMto 5PM